Re: Problems converting app from 2.1 to 3.1

From: <>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 16:48:30 -0500 (CDT)

Thanks to everyone who commented on this thread, and sorry it took so long,
but the good news is that I got the app to deploy!


The final hurdle was getting things arranged with the jersey jars.  The app
was still using Jersey 1.0.3 and I couldn't see a good way to get the bundled
Jersey 1.5 to downgrade, so I upgraded our code.  This took some research,
but ended up being not that hard.  One fun error was
"com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.Errors|The following errors and warnings have been
detected with resource and/or provider classes:   SEVERE: Missing
dependency for constructor public com.blah.Foo(java.lang.String) at parameter
index 0.  Turns out that Foo had a constructor on it (your guess is as good
as mine as to why) with a parameter, but a root resource in Jersey needs a
no-args constructor."


I wasn't meticulous with writing down the changes I have made to the .ear
file along the way, but I think I document most of the trickiest spots.

But again, it works!


[Message sent by forum member 'culli']
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