Re: secure web service using mutual certificate security

From: <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 08:05:22 -0500 (CDT)

ok, now i have other error so it is a progress :p

let me explain what i need,and what did i do. i set up web service on one
computer and web service client on another to make it more similar to real
situation. This computer are in same LAN,but i dont think that is importaint
at all. both computer run Glassfish 3.0.1 server. First i try setting up
client withour security, and there was no problem. I also succedd to make
client read data from server with username and symmetric keys
authentification,but i still have problem setting up mutual certificates
security which is a lot better for our needs.

After your replay, i found JVM options and in Glassfish admin inteface. On server computer i
add folowing JVM options:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/keystoreS.jks${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/truststoreS.jks

and on client computers admin interface i added:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/keystoreC.jks${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/truststoreC.jks

keystoreS and truststoreS is in default domain conf directory in Glassfish on
server computer (C:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\domain1\config), keystoreC
and truststoreC is in same directory on client computer.

After restarting glassfish and web service/client i get message:

Greska = WSSTUBE0024: Error in Securing
Outbound Message.

I also try setting up password for keystore and truststore in jVM
options(because it is not default changeit):

On server: (pass used for making keystoreS) used for making
truststoreS(same as pass for keystoreS))

On client: (pass used for making keystoreC) used for making
truststoreC(same as pass for keystoreC))

but after restart,i still get same error:

Greska = WSSTUBE0024: Error in Securing
Outbound Message.

This is of course error i get when i call web service operation on client

am i doing something wrong??

if you need some other properties or files i made, i will provide it to you.
Thx in advance!


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