Re: Glassfish 3.1 is much slower to deploy

From: Kumar Jayanti <>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 10:50:59 +0530

On 12-Apr-2011, at 8:25 PM, Andreas Loew wrote:

> Hi Kumar,
> even if it is not an regression in 3.1 over 3.0 but only over 2.1.1 (i.e. the issue was already introduced with 3.0), I think this definitely is worth creating a GF issue (or a formal Service Request in case the original poster has a license/support contract).
> The fact that deployment time increases by a factor of 9 when just adding @RolesAllowed annotations clearly seems to point to a performance-related code flaw...

I will file a bug. But Is it clear that it is a regression over 2.1.1 ?.


> Best regards,
> Andreas
> Am 12/04/11 05:37, schrieb Kumar Jayanti:
>> On 12-Apr-2011, at 8:19 AM, wrote:
>>> > Hi, I made a test case with 800 methods called hello_000 to hello_800 and it
>>> > deployed quickly. each looked like public String hello_000() { return
>>> > "hello"; } I then added @RolesAllowed on about a third of the methods and
>>> > this is what caused the slowdown when when 20 000 millseconds to 180 000
>>> > milliseconds eg at top of class @DeclareRoles( {"Role1", "Role2", "Role3",
>>> > "Role4", "Role5", "Role6"}) @RolesAllowed( {"Role1", "Role2", "Role3",
>>> > "Role4", "Role5", "Role6"}) @Stateless public class TestStateless implements
>>> > TestStatelessRemote { Now some methods look like @RolesAllowed( {"Role1",
>>> > "Role2" }) public String hello_001() { return "hello"; } My development
>>> > system is not connected to the internet so sending you the test case is
>>> > difficult But it seems that the roles processing is the slow part
>> If you see this as a regression over V3.0 then we need to worry about it. Can you confirm ...
>> regards,
>> kumar
> --
> Andreas Loew | Senior Java Architect
> Oracle Advanced Customer Services
> ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG