3.1 Embeddable EJBContainer and JPA/weaving problem

From: janne postilista <>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 17:05:26 +0300

I'm trying to use EJB 3.1 Embeddable EJBContainer for integration
testing my EJB's.

My beans use JPA (EclipseLink) and because of EclipseLink weaving, EJB
classes must NOT be in classpath when junit executes my tests:

Of course my junit tests need to have the EJB classes (at least the
interfaces and classes used as arguments and return values). Typical
test would be:

    public void testInEJBContainer() throws Exception {

        File ejbJarFile = new File("target/dum/dum-ejb.jar");

        Map props = new HashMap();
        props.put(EJBContainer.MODULES, new File[]{ejbJarFile});
        EJBContainer container = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer(props);

        CompanyService = (CompanyService)
container.getContext().lookup("java:global/dum/CompanyServiceImpl");"result of findAll() " + service.findAll(false));

I don't see how I could run the tests without having CompanyService in
the junit classpath. If I try do so, and call java.lang.Object through
reflection instead of CompanyService, the test works. But any time I
try to use the actual CompanyService class (it does not matter whether
it is from actual dum-ejb.jar, or created ejb client jar) the
Eclipselink weaving gets broken.

It is also mandatory to be able to use int the test the Entity classes
that EclipseLink weaves, since those are usually parameters or return

I guess I could alter the build to do eclipseLink weaving statically,
but I'd rather not alter the normal built dum-ejb.jar or dum-ear.ear.

Shouldn't this be exactly the typical scenario for which Glassfish
EJBContainer exists and is used for? Unit/integration testing EJBs
that use JPA? How can it be so damn difficult?