1. What you're doing is very

From: <>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 11:39:05 -0500 (CDT)

1. What you're doing is very similar to using the GlassFish Application
Client Container (ACC), which is fully documented. I can't help you with the
JNDI settings needed by a non-ACC client, though as you mentioned later
several people have reported his to do this. Feel free to log this as a
documentation issue in JIRA.

2. Yes, a remote client may indeed connect to the JMS service even if it is
running in EMBEDED mode. The message queue broker runs in the same JVM as the
GlassFish instance, and applications running within the GlassFish instance
will by default use a high-performance direct connection which bypasses the
network stack. However the broker will still accept remote connections just
like any message queue broker.

3. You've looked up a GlassFish JMS resource. These are dependent on a
resource adapter; by default they are configured to use the JMSRA resource
adapter (imqjmsra.rar) used to communicate with Open Message Queue. So you'll
need the resource adapter jars in your classpath .





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