Re: glassfish 3.1 fails to start after PC shutdown

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 09:04:05 -0500

Check to see if there is a domain.xml.bak file. If so, rename that file
to domain.xml and then try starting the server.
When saving the domain.xml, the server renames the old one to
domain.xml.bak, just in case something bad happens while writing the new


On 3/21/2011 8:59 PM, Eve Pokua wrote:
> Hi,
> My PC frozen on me and I needed a restarted. Unfortunately, glassfish
> open source
> 3.1 b43 was running and I was unable to shut it down before the
> restart. And now
> the server wont start. I checked in my default domain and my
> domain.xml is totally
> empty.
> Please, could I create another instance of a domain or do I have to
> install the server
> again?
> Thanks
> eve