Re: Providing facelets (xhtml) from jar file (e.g. OSGi bundle)Providing facelets (xhtml) from jar file (e.g. OSGi bundle)

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2011 16:52:16 -0600

Does this help any?

On 2/28/11 6:04 AM, wrote:
> Hello
> Is it possible to provide facelets (xhtml files) from jar files, e.g.
> OSGi bundles?
> If yes, could you give me some hints how to achieve this best?
> I’ve looked through the code but I couldn’t make a strike so far. I’ve
> got the impression that glassfish (or mojarra) uses JNDI to lookup the
> xhtml resources in the file system. But I couldn’t figure out how to
> intercept for that JSF could lookup facelets in jar files in an
> analogous way.
> Regards,
> Benno

Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff
GlassFish REST API / Administration Console
Oracle Corporation
Phone +1 405-216-3193