Re: Re: Glassfish 3.1 Admin

From: <>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 22:34:32 -0500 (CDT)

I've been able to successfully create a domain, start the domain, and sign
into the domain without any problems.  However, only on Linux (CentOS
5.4).  On SPARC Solaris, it still seems to be a no-go (my fresh-install Sun
v440).  I upgraded two other domains from 3.01 (on a v480, and a T5120)
and those are running correctly.  I should try to create a new domain from
scratch on one of those servers and see if I'm able to login to the admin
console.   I've tried the Oracle version, the Open Source version, and the
Oracle '.sh' (graphical install) version.  Everything installs just fine. 
I create a domain using the 'asadmin create-domain --adminport=4848
--savemasterpassword=true --savelogin=true domain'  and that all goes
successfully.  Starting the domain is successful and no Java exceptions are
thrown.  The admin console gets all the way to the login page.  Still no
errors in the 'server.log'.  After I enter the username and password,
that's where the trail goes cold.  I've used jconsole and jvisualvm to try
to get a look at what's going on.  After a brief period of activity after
entering the username and password, all processor activity drops back to
around zero.  The glassfish process continues to run, but still no

As I mentioned, this one really has me perplexed!

[Message sent by forum member 'bob63']
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