Re: Apache mod rewrite and Glassfish create a new session on each request

From: Justin Lee <>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 10:13:08 -0400

have you tried mod_proxy_ajp for that?

On 3/14/11 9:54 AM, wrote:
> I have one question that I didn't find a answer.
> I have a glassfish hosting service from a company and I have few
> subdomains.
> Apache on port 80
> Glassfish on a custom port.. suppose 8282
> I installed a web application with context : /hello
> I wanted to forward all to
> but I wanted to keep the URL on
> I was able to do that with Apache rewrite but all my url contains : a
> new jsessionid, on each request.
> That cause a problem. On the login, I put the user in the session, but
> when I click on a link it create a new session, so I'm back to the
> login page again.
> Who have a solution for that ?