Re: Glassfish embedded specification violation...I think...

From: Marina Vatkina <>
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2011 13:42:41 -0800

Laird Nelson wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Laird Nelson <
> <>> wrote:
> Let me see if I can dig up one of my many bug reports in this
> area. In one of them, where I railed on incessantly about how
> javax.ejb.embeddable.EJBContainer didn't let me test @Remote EJBs,
> the bug was marked as won't fix (or something like that) and I was
> politely and graciously steered in the direction of the
> org.glassfish.embeddable APIs, which I was told fully
> supported--by design--_at_Remote EJBs.
> Here it is:
> Note that it was marked as fixed. It also says to raise a bug that
> EJBContainer should support @Remote EJBs. But of course it doesn't
> have to, according to the specification, so something or someone is
> confused in here.
> My takeaway from all this was that the org.glassfish.embeddable stuff
> would fully support @Remote EJBs, and should, and was the way to go if
> you wanted to do some integration testing. I'll wait for confirmation
> on this before I do anything else.

In theory - yes. org.glassfish.embeddable should allow you to do
anything that is possible with a stand-alone GF. In practice, it can hit
the same problem in the EJB container code or CORBA code that makes it
as broken as the unsupported javax.ejb.embeddable.EJBContainer.

> Best,
> Laird