How to obtain EntityManagerFactory instance without using PersistenceUnit Annotation in Glassfish V301

From: emiddio-frontier <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 16:34:29 -0800

one idea was to try using
i do get an instance back -- but it either does not work or works
differently than expected;
where can i learn how to use it properly ?

the Javadoc says:
Bootstrap class that is used to obtain an|EntityManagerFactory|in Java
SE environments.
The|Persistence|class is available in a Java EE container environment as
well; however, support for the Java SE bootstrapping APIs is not
required in container environments.

what does " support for the Java SE bootstrapping APIs is not required
in container environments." mean ?
Does it mean the API is not required to be supported in EE container ? OR
Does it mean the API is supported but not needed to be used ?

another idea is to somehow look it up with JNDI - where can i find
instructions on using JNDI for this purpose.

