More JACC questions

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 15:49:46 -0500

(I'm never sure if this stuff gets to what used to be the Glassfish forum or
not. It seems to take days--days--for the mail gateway to work, and then
only for direct messages and not replies. For example, I replied via email
to the list and to the responder who answered my
prior question, and it hasn't yet shown up in the forums.)

I'm plowing ahead with implementing a JACC provider.

I am looking at the Glassfish SimplePolicyConfiguration class as a guide
(for that part of the contract).

What do I do if I want to make use of the existing Glassfish
principal-to-role mapping facilities? That is, I'd like people to continue
to be able to use the sun-web.xml and sun-ejb-jar.xml files to map their
principals to application roles--I don't want to have to write this part.

It looks to my naive eyes like this part is not spelled out in the JACC

So how can I--from my JACC provider--query Glassfish to find what Principals
it thinks belong to a given application role?
