Re: Using JMS for duplex communication

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 18:21:36 +0000


On 18/01/2011 16:38, Major Péter wrote:
> Hi,
>> By default, applications will connect to the JMS broker defined in the
>> JMS service configuration (in your examples, either the embedded broker
>> or the remote broker). You can also override this on a per-connection
>> basis by configuring the connection factory explicitly. So it sounds as
>> if you've basically got it right.
> How can I configure a MDB to use a given connectionfactory?

In sun-ejb-jar.xml, you can define a <mdb-connection-factory> element, though you can't do that using annotation.

Fortunately there's no need to specify a connection factory as you can define all the required properties directly on
the "activation spec" using either a deployment descriptor file or annotation.

>>> What did I do wrong?
>> Are you asking why setting "AddressList=mq://localhost:7676/jms" in the
>> topic connection factory on your "client app" didn't cause it to receive
>> messages from the "master app" running on a different machine?
> it's running on the same machine (since it's just a PoC), so this wasn't the problem.

Ah. I was misled by your words "The 'master' app and the client apps they're all on different machines." :-)

>> First thing, you need to replace "localhost" with the hostname on which
>> your "master app" was running.
>> Was this for a MDB? In this case you need to set addressList on the MDB
>> something like this:
>> @MessageDriven(name="foo", mappedName = "bar", activationConfig = {
>> @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "AddressList", propertyValue =
>> "mq://somehost:7676")
>> })
> This was the missing part! Thanks!!
> Although I didn't find any documentation where this "magic" property was described (at least not in the EJB 3.0 core
> spec), do you know any doc resource for these properties? (The links are broken :'( )

Yes, all the docs have moved to That's very recent, so Google still returns old links.

The GlassFish 2.1 and 2.1.1 docs are here:

The activation config properies are defined by the message queue resource adapter, and are listed here

The connection factory properties are defined by the message queue resource adapter, are defined here:
