If it's documented, Paul probably knows where it is...
On 12/13/2010 11:56 AM, Tom Mueller wrote:
> Reference information about the domain.xml for v2.1 is here:
> http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/821-0183/abhar?l=en&a=view
> <http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/821-0183/abhar?l=en&a=view>
> However, this doesn't talk about the template variable substitution
> that happens when a domain is created. I'm not sure where (or if)
> that is documented. The set of variables that an be substituted is
> fixed in the code, and template variables are enclosed in %%%.
> Tom
> On 12/13/2010 12:57 PM, Chris Selwyn wrote:
>> Thanks for the hint... this looks like a good idea.
>> I am trying to find comprehensive documentation on the
>> profiles/templates mechanism without much success at the moment...
>> Can anyone point me at some?
>> Chris
>> On 13/12/2010 17:44, Tom Mueller wrote:
>>> If you are creating lots of domains, it might be useful to use the
>>> create-domain --template option. The template that is passed in
>>> could have REMOTE already set.
>>> Tom
>>> On 12/13/2010 10:08 AM, Chris Selwyn wrote:
>>>> No it's not really a problem... I was just wondering whether there
>>>> was a shortcut way of doing it.
>>>> I couldn't find one and I thought I might have missed something.
>>>> Chris
>>>> On 13/12/2010 11:19, Nigel Deakin wrote:
>>>>> On 10/12/2010 16:00, Chris Selwyn wrote:
>>>>>> Is there a way to use asadmin create-domain and have the
>>>>>> resulting domain have a REMOTE jms-service?
>>>>>> I can see how to do this as a secondary step but I would like to
>>>>>> know whether it is possible to do it all in one step.
>>>>> I would expect you would need to do this in two steps. Is this a
>>>>> problem?
>>>>> Nigel
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