Re: Custom Glassfish Security Realm does not work (unable to find LoginModule)

From: Kumar.Jayanti <Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 15:05:47 +0530

On 28/12/10 2:49 PM, Ingo Fischer wrote:
> No, seems like the old style custom realms don't work anymore. At
> least not the way i tried it.
> No problem for me, because the OSGi-style works. But maybe a problem
> for others who'll spend some time to figure this out.
> I could file an issue with my sources appended if it helps.
Our QE tests custom realms and they are not seeing any problem, neither
have we changed any code recently. If you add and entry in login.conf
for the JAAS LoginModule then you need to restart the server. Did you
check if restart does not help ?

Please pass on the steps to Nithya and she will get back to you.


> 2010/12/28 Kumar.Jayanti <
> <>>
> The old styles custom realms (non-OSGI) should continue to work.
> Are you facing a problem there ?.
> On 27/12/10 7:01 PM, Ingo Fischer wrote:
>> Got it.
>> Seems like newer Glassfish versions require that the Security
>> Realm and the LoginModule are packaged as an OSGi module, which
>> should then be copied into `glassfish/modules`.
>> Therefore i changed my pom.xml to create an OSGi bundle which
>> contains the CustomRealm and the CustomLoginModule.
>> Here it is:
>> <project xmlns=""
>> xmlns:xsi=""
>> xsi:schemaLocation="
>> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>> <groupId>com.profitbricks</groupId>
>> <artifactId>security.realm</artifactId>
>> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>> <packaging>bundle</packaging>
>> <name>Custom JDBCRealm OSGi</name>
>> <url></url>
>> <properties>
>> <>UTF-8</>
>> </properties>
>> <dependencies>
>> <dependency>
>> <groupId></groupId>
>> <artifactId>security</artifactId>
>> <version>3.1-b33</version>
>> </dependency>
>> </dependencies>
>> <build>
>> <plugins>
>> <plugin>
>> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
>> <configuration>
>> <source>1.6</source>
>> <target>1.6</target>
>> <optimise>true</optimise>
>> <debug>true</debug>
>> <encoding>UTF-8</encoding>
>> </configuration>
>> </plugin>
>> <plugin>
>> <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId>
>> <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId>
>> <extensions>true</extensions>
>> <configuration>
>> <instructions>
>> <Export-Package>
>> ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId};version=${project.version}
>> </Export-Package>
>> <Import-Package>
>> java.util,
>> </Import-Package>
>> </instructions>
>> </configuration>
>> </plugin>
>> </plugins>
>> </build>
>> </project>
>> 2010/12/27 Ingo Fischer <
>> <>>
>> Copied the jar into the domain1/lib. No effect. As the log
>> states, the realm is loaded and initialized correctly, but
>> the LoginModule is still not found - with the same error.
>> 2010/12/27 Major Péter <
>> <>>
>> Hi,
>> what happens if you put your jar into
>> glassfish/domains/domain1/lib folder?
>> Regards,
>> Peter
>> 2010-12-27 00:10 keltezéssel,
>> <> írta:
>> I'm trying to get a Custom Security Realm in
>> Glassfish working (i tried
>> 3.0.1 final and 3.1 B33). I read nearly all tutorials
>> about this, but
>> it doesn't not work on my System. I'm getting the error
>> Login failed:
>> unable to
>> find LoginModule class:
>> when trying to login.
>> Here is what i did:
>> I created a little Maven project, which contains the
>> needed Realm
>> class, CustomRealm, and the corresponding LoginModule,
>> CustomLoginModule.
>> My pom.xml:
>> <project xmlns=""
>> xmlns:xsi=""
>> xsi:schemaLocation="
>> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>> <groupId>com.mycompany</groupId>
>> <artifactId>CustomJDBCRealm</artifactId>
>> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>> <packaging>jar</packaging>
>> <name>Custom JDBCRealm</name>
>> <url></url>
>> <properties>
>> <>UTF-8</>
>> </properties>
>> <dependencies>
>> <dependency>
>> <groupId></groupId>
>> <artifactId>security</artifactId>
>> <version>3.1-b33</version>
>> </dependency>
>> </dependencies>
>> <build>
>> <plugins>
>> <plugin>
>> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
>> <configuration>
>> <source>1.6</source>
>> <target>1.6</target>
>> <optimise>true</optimise>
>> <debug>true</debug>
>> <encoding>UTF-8</encoding>
>> </configuration>
>> </plugin>
>> </plugins>
>> </build>
>> </project>
>> My Custom Realm class:
>> package;
>> import;
>> import
>> import
>> import
>> import
>> import java.util.Enumeration;
>> import java.util.Properties;
>> import java.util.Vector;
>> public class CustomRealm extends AppservRealm
>> {
>> Vector<String> groups = new Vector<String>();
>> private String jaasCtxName;
>> private String startWith;
>> @Override
>> public void init(Properties properties)
>> throws BadRealmException, NoSuchRealmException {
>> jaasCtxName =
>> properties.getProperty("jaas-context",
>> "customRealm");
>> startWith =
>> properties.getProperty("startWith", "z");
>> groups.add("dummy");
>> }
>> @Override
>> public String getAuthType()
>> {
>> return "Custom Realm";
>> }
>> public String[] authenticate(String username,
>> char[] password)
>> {
>> // if (isValidLogin(username, password))
>> return (String[]) groups.toArray();
>> }
>> @Override
>> public Enumeration getGroupNames(String username)
>> throws InvalidOperationException,
>> NoSuchUserException
>> {
>> return groups.elements();
>> }
>> @Override
>> public String getJAASContext()
>> {
>> return jaasCtxName;
>> }
>> public String getStartWith()
>> {
>> return startWith;
>> }
>> }
>> My LoginModule class:
>> package;
>> import
>> import
>> import java.util.Set;
>> import;
>> public class CustomLoginModule extends
>> AppservPasswordLoginModule
>> {
>> @Override
>> protected void authenticateUser() throws
>> LoginException
>> {
>> <>("CustomRealm : authenticateUser
>> for " +
>> _username);
>> final CustomRealm realm =
>> (CustomRealm)_currentRealm;
>> if ( (_username == null) ||
>> (_username.length() == 0) ||
>> !_username.startsWith(realm.getStartWith()))
>> throw new LoginException("Invalid
>> credentials");
>> String[] grpList =
>> realm.authenticate(_username,
>> getPasswordChar());
>> if (grpList == null) {
>> throw new LoginException("User not in
>> groups");
>> }
>> <>("CustomRealm : authenticateUser
>> for " +
>> _username);
>> Set principals = _subject.getPrincipals();
>> principals.add(new PrincipalImpl(_username));
>> this.commitUserAuthentication(grpList);
>> }
>> }
>> I compiled this Maven project and copyied the
>> resulting JAR-file to the
>> Glassfish/lib directory. Then i added the Security
>> Realm "customRealm"
>> to my Glassfish with asadmin:
>> asadmin create-auth-realm
>> --classname
>> --property jaas-context=customRealm:startWith=a
>> customRealm
>> I also referenced the LoginModule class for the JAAS
>> context of my
>> Custom Realm, therefore i inserted this into the
>> login.conf of my
>> domain:
>> customRealm {
>> required;
>> };
>> Although this LoginModule SHOULD BE on the Glassfish
>> classpath, as it's
>> classfile is packaged in the JAR that i put into the
>> Glassfish/lib-dir,
>> it cannot be found when i try to login. For login, i
>> build a simple
>> JSF-project, which calls the
>> HttpServletRequest-login-method of Servlet
>> 3.0.
>> When trying to login i'm getting the following Exception:
>> 2010-12-24T14:41:31.613+0100|WARNING|glassfish3.0.1|
>> ;
>> _ThreadName=Thread-1;|Web login failed: Login failed:
>> unable
>> to find
>> LoginModule class:
>> Anybody got an idea what i can do that Glassfish
>> loads the
>> LoginModule-class?