Re: Custom Glassfish Security Realm does not work (unable to find LoginModule)

From: Ingo Fischer <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 14:31:35 +0100

Got it.

Seems like newer Glassfish versions require that the Security Realm and the
LoginModule are packaged as an OSGi module, which should then be copied
into `glassfish/modules`.
Therefore i changed my pom.xml to create an OSGi bundle which contains the
CustomRealm and the CustomLoginModule.

Here it is:

    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


        <name>Custom JDBCRealm OSGi</name>






2010/12/27 Ingo Fischer <>

> Copied the jar into the domain1/lib. No effect. As the log states, the
> realm is loaded and initialized correctly, but the LoginModule is still not
> found - with the same error.
> 2010/12/27 Major Péter <>
> Hi,
>> what happens if you put your jar into glassfish/domains/domain1/lib
>> folder?
>> Regards,
>> Peter
>> 2010-12-27 00:10 keltezéssel, írta:
>> I'm trying to get a Custom Security Realm in Glassfish working (i tried
>>> 3.0.1 final and 3.1 B33). I read nearly all tutorials about this, but
>>> it doesn't not work on my System. I'm getting the error
>>> Login failed: unable to
>>> find LoginModule class:
>>> when trying to login.
>>> Here is what i did:
>>> I created a little Maven project, which contains the needed Realm
>>> class, CustomRealm, and the corresponding LoginModule,
>>> CustomLoginModule.
>>> My pom.xml:
>>> <project xmlns=""
>>> xmlns:xsi=""
>>> xsi:schemaLocation="
>>> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>>> <groupId>com.mycompany</groupId>
>>> <artifactId>CustomJDBCRealm</artifactId>
>>> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>>> <packaging>jar</packaging>
>>> <name>Custom JDBCRealm</name>
>>> <url></url>
>>> <properties>
>>> <>UTF-8</>
>>> </properties>
>>> <dependencies>
>>> <dependency>
>>> <groupId></groupId>
>>> <artifactId>security</artifactId>
>>> <version>3.1-b33</version>
>>> </dependency>
>>> </dependencies>
>>> <build>
>>> <plugins>
>>> <plugin>
>>> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>>> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
>>> <configuration>
>>> <source>1.6</source>
>>> <target>1.6</target>
>>> <optimise>true</optimise>
>>> <debug>true</debug>
>>> <encoding>UTF-8</encoding>
>>> </configuration>
>>> </plugin>
>>> </plugins>
>>> </build>
>>> </project>
>>> My Custom Realm class:
>>> package;
>>> import;
>>> import;
>>> import
>>> import;
>>> import;
>>> import java.util.Enumeration;
>>> import java.util.Properties;
>>> import java.util.Vector;
>>> public class CustomRealm extends AppservRealm
>>> {
>>> Vector<String> groups = new Vector<String>();
>>> private String jaasCtxName;
>>> private String startWith;
>>> @Override
>>> public void init(Properties properties)
>>> throws BadRealmException, NoSuchRealmException {
>>> jaasCtxName = properties.getProperty("jaas-context",
>>> "customRealm");
>>> startWith = properties.getProperty("startWith", "z");
>>> groups.add("dummy");
>>> }
>>> @Override
>>> public String getAuthType()
>>> {
>>> return "Custom Realm";
>>> }
>>> public String[] authenticate(String username, char[] password)
>>> {
>>> // if (isValidLogin(username, password))
>>> return (String[]) groups.toArray();
>>> }
>>> @Override
>>> public Enumeration getGroupNames(String username)
>>> throws InvalidOperationException, NoSuchUserException
>>> {
>>> return groups.elements();
>>> }
>>> @Override
>>> public String getJAASContext()
>>> {
>>> return jaasCtxName;
>>> }
>>> public String getStartWith()
>>> {
>>> return startWith;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> My LoginModule class:
>>> package;
>>> import;
>>> import
>>> import java.util.Set;
>>> import;
>>> public class CustomLoginModule extends AppservPasswordLoginModule
>>> {
>>> @Override
>>> protected void authenticateUser() throws LoginException
>>> {
>>>"CustomRealm : authenticateUser for " +
>>> _username);
>>> final CustomRealm realm = (CustomRealm)_currentRealm;
>>> if ( (_username == null) || (_username.length() == 0) ||
>>> !_username.startsWith(realm.getStartWith()))
>>> throw new LoginException("Invalid credentials");
>>> String[] grpList = realm.authenticate(_username,
>>> getPasswordChar());
>>> if (grpList == null) {
>>> throw new LoginException("User not in groups");
>>> }
>>>"CustomRealm : authenticateUser for " +
>>> _username);
>>> Set principals = _subject.getPrincipals();
>>> principals.add(new PrincipalImpl(_username));
>>> this.commitUserAuthentication(grpList);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> I compiled this Maven project and copyied the resulting JAR-file to the
>>> Glassfish/lib directory. Then i added the Security Realm "customRealm"
>>> to my Glassfish with asadmin:
>>> asadmin create-auth-realm
>>> --classname
>>> --property jaas-context=customRealm:startWith=a customRealm
>>> I also referenced the LoginModule class for the JAAS context of my
>>> Custom Realm, therefore i inserted this into the login.conf of my
>>> domain:
>>> customRealm {
>>> required;
>>> };
>>> Although this LoginModule SHOULD BE on the Glassfish classpath, as it's
>>> classfile is packaged in the JAR that i put into the Glassfish/lib-dir,
>>> it cannot be found when i try to login. For login, i build a simple
>>> JSF-project, which calls the HttpServletRequest-login-method of Servlet
>>> 3.0.
>>> When trying to login i'm getting the following Exception:
>>> 2010-12-24T14:41:31.613+0100|WARNING|glassfish3.0.1|
>>> ;
>>> _ThreadName=Thread-1;|Web login failed: Login failed:
>>> unable to find
>>> LoginModule class:
>>> Anybody got an idea what i can do that Glassfish loads the
>>> LoginModule-class?