Mac OS-X: Attach glassfish source to NetBeans IDE?

From: Erik Johnson <>
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 16:56:47 -0700


I am trying to get communication going between a client implemented in
an environment other than Java, and some web services implemented on
the Glassfish server (on Mac OSX).

 As best as I can tell, the Java end of things is working as expected
(J2EE Tutorial example helloservices class answers Java client as
expected, and it tests as expected via the Glassfish tester page you
can get from the admin port).

But when called from my third party library, the arguments to my
function are somehow getting dropped, and I am trying to understand
exactly what's going wrong. That is, it does actually call into my
Java function, and I get a valid SOAP response, but the function gets
called with null where it should be passing a string.

So, I am trying to figure out how to get the Glassfish source code
attached to NetBeans IDE so I can stop in my class and look at things
up the stack and try to figure out where things went wrong.

 I installed Glassfish by following directions here:

and then downloaded the whole glassfish distribution from here:

The latter leaves me a directory full of stuff that has many, many
jars, but I'm not seeing src.jar or (the sort of thing I would
try to point NetBeans at for attaching source).

Anybody have any ideas?
