On Tuesday 23 November 2010 09:03 PM, forums_at_java.net wrote:
> Thanks for taking an interest domdorn,
> Yes, anything with alchemy.* is my own classes. Hessian typically requires
> you to extend HessianServlet with your own application servlet - that is
> what
> you see. I am indeed trying to integrate Hessian with CDI, which works
> great
> for RequestScope and SessionScope, but with the ConversationScope I get
> variant results (works on JBoss and Glassfish b28, not on Resin and now
> Glassfish b31). I think that is because the CDI spec is not too clear about
> how to handle the Conversation context from outside of a JSF request.
Could you share an application that works with b28, but not with b31? We
made a fresh integration of Weld 1.1.BETA2 and also had some invasive
proxy classloading. This regression may be due to that. A reproducible
test-case could help debug this.
> Regards
> Francois
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