Re: Glassfish 3.1b26: asadmin

From: <>
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 10:23:44 -0700

Another data point. (I'm happy to be the dumb moron user who makes the
ordinary user mistakes.) I don't know Windows very well--I'll say that up
front. So I was handed access to a virtual, and told to put Glassfish on it.
OK. So the first thing I discovered was that the virtual was 64-bit. OK, so I
guessed that I needed the 64-bit JVM. I downloaded it. For whatever reason,
the download was bad, I guess, because when I tried to run it Windows told me
it had no idea how to run it. I figured that OK, this particular 64-bit JVM
doesn't run on this Xeon-based virtual. (I was wrong.) So I downloaded and
installed the 32-bit JVM instead, which installed and ran fine. However, it
appears that this results in Glassfish just sitting there chewing through CPU
cycles. Smelling something fishy, I downloaded the 64-bit JVM again. This
time Windows said, OK, sure, I can install that. A couple of adventures with
asadmin create-service later, and we have Glassfish running with a nice low
CPU load. Moral of the story so far: don't put a 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit box.
I guess. Moving on to trying to redeploy Hudson.... L

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