JCA spec compliance question: sufficient to have ResourceAdapter with no MCF?

From: <>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 13:07:56 -0800

I'm looking to do some concurrency work in a well-behaved Java EE
application.  Since I can do some--but not all--of what I want using
@Stateless and @Asynchronous, I'm doing what I can there.  But I still need
to kick off asynchronous jobs and monitor them in the manner of

If CDI does not prove to be my legal escape hatch here, which I suspect it
will not be, then I need to be able to write a resource adapter that will
kick off threads.

I've written an RA before, so I know the general shape.

However, the prior RA that I've written made use--as most do--of connection
pooling facilities.  This RA--which is simply a way to
wrap up an ExecutorServie--doesn't need connection management.

Is it legal, using only JCA 1.6 annotations, to simply define a
ResourceAdapter implementation with--basically--nothing else in the module?

The specification indicates in section 19.2 that an outbound resource adapter
(which this would be) must {handwave handwave} make use of the connection
management, transaction management and security management contracts.  In
all three cases, I just want to indicate--preferably by /omitting/
annotations and/or code--that I don't support any of them.

Is it sufficient to simply build a POJO that implements ResourceAdapter,
annotate it with @Connector, and go from there?  Can I then inject such a
POJO into my EJB using the @Resource annotation?

JCA 1.5 made it seem that the only thing that could be injected was the user
connection factory.

Basically, I'm looking--both for curiosity and necessity--for the simplest
possible 1.6-compliant resource adapter code for a resource adapter that
doesn't care about connection pools, security or transactions (basically a
resource adapter that just wants access to the BootstrapContext so it can
submit Work).


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