Re: Redeploy Sub Component

From: Hong Zhang <>
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 2010 20:21:25 -0400

No, we don't support the partial redeployment of the applications...

On 11/1/2010 7:27 PM, cj22 wrote:
> I have a web module that connects to an ejb. We have embedded the war into
> the ear and it works perfectly. I want to be able to change the servlet
> code and redeploy the war, without having to redeploy the entire enterprise
> app. Redeploying the whole thing causes my rich clients to lose their
> connection. Attempting to just deploy the war gives unresolved ejb-link
> errors, which is expected.
> Is it possible to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> glassfish 2.1.1, ejb 2.1, jdk 5
> Thanks!