Re: EJBClassLoader - huge number of streams

From: Richard Kolb <>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 15:23:26 +0200

Hi Imran

On 29 October 2010 14:17, <> wrote:

> Thanks Richard and Tim for your responses.
> @Richard
> The technology stack I have for this is spring, dwr and hibernate.
> The web-application is packaged into a ear file amongst other web-apps.
> The JDK been used is 1.6.0_15

My first guess is try upgrade that JDK to _22.
It's a shot in the dark, but I know _16 had a memory leak that effects
I think this only effected redeployment, not sure.

I can create a sample application, that represents the functionality, but
> unfortunately not quick enough amongst the other things going on. In terms
> of reproducing this a high load needs to be applied though. If this is the
> last resort to getting to the bottom of it, I guess I'll have to find
> sometime and knock something out for you. Although you would have to apply a
> high load (at least 20 per second) to reproduce it.

If you write the application , I can try create the load app.


