RE: Problem calling web service from GFV3 EJB

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 16:42:56 -0400

straight from the doc:
     * If jbi-enabled property in the context is true or if a composite
     * application with this consumer endpoint is deployed then a
     * JBITransportPipe is created otherwise null is returned.
     * Returning null from this method allows JAX-WS to use the normal
     * invocation path by creating other relevant Tranport pipe.

to enable jbi-enabled

also the location of appserv-rt.jar is important
 * This Factory class is used by the JAX-WS client runtime to create TransportPipe.
 * This factory is configured using the standard JAR services framework. The file
 * "META-INF/services/" is used for
 * this purpose. It is put in appserv-rt.jar so that it is available in the
 * appserver classpath.
 ls -al $GF_HOME\lib
07/28/2009 06:23 PM 15,695,498 appserv-rt.jar
please confirm
Martin Gainty
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> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 13:27:07 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Problem calling web service from GFV3 EJB
> I have created a EJB (web Service) and am trying to call another web service from within it.
> When execute the call I get the following error logged in the server.log file. From what I can find on the web this is an issue with GFv3 and one of the libs is this correct and what can I do to get around it on GFV3
> The service works fine as a standalone client
> Caused by: Provider com.sun.enterprise.jbi.serviceengine.bridge.transport.JBITransportPipeFactory is specified in bundle://256.0:0/META-INF/services/ but not found
> Thanks for looking
> [Message sent by forum member 'dboileau']
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