Re: EJBClassLoader - huge number of streams

From: <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 04:48:35 PDT

Any one with anything on this please? I was hoping someone from the Glassfish team will be able to give me some sought of indication on what this might be.

As I said, the multiple SentinelInputStream objects are crowding the old generation on the heap. And I'm not sure why the EJBClassLoader is keeping a reference to it. I'm assuming that a stream is opened for every request that comes in. But I cant think why? Even if it does, I don't know why the streams stay opened.

Any inputs from the Glassfish team or anyone else who has seen this problem would be very much appreciated. Even if its to say that the way I'm looking at it is bonkers (ofcourse with reason to say why that would be).

I've now disabled the requests hitting my new web-application, and my heap usage is a happy camper now. Which tells me that it's definetely down to the huge amount of requests I was taking in from this new feature.

Would love to hear if it's some configuration I've got wrong, or if I got the deployment packaging wrong or if there's some bug in the GF version I'm using which is v2.1 (9.1.1) (build b60e-fcs)


-- Imran
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