Re: Which port is asaadm really listening on?

From: vince kraemer <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 22:29:50 -0700

Hi Pete,

I am not sure what you are doing, but I see signs that you are not using
the standard interfaces for the server... which may be a contributing
factor to your troubles.

Let me make sure that I understand what build of glassfish you are
actually using.

please show me the output of these commands....

1. java -version
2. asadmin version

I will highlight a couple things that seem troublesome to me in your
last message, below...


Pete Helgren wrote:
> Thanks Vince. I am not quite there yet. And there is more to this
> than just this issue. I have autodeployed two applications but now I
> can't autodeploy. There is an issue with the web admin console (which
> I will post shortly) but I'd like to just deploy the new app at this
> point.
> The domain has two applications currently deployed and running. I can
> hit both of the URL's. However the command line admin instance
> returns the following:
> es/admin-cli.jar --port 7848 --host <--- note the host
> entry as well

We don't recommend using the admin-cli.jar directly. The standard
interface here is the asadmin command.

> Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> asadmin>
> list-applications
> Status: 500
> Command list-applications failed.
> asadmin>
> deploy domains/domain1/autodeploy/asaap3.war

OK. I think you have misunderstood the concept of autodeployment.
Placing a war file in domains/domain1/autodeploy should trigger
deployment automagically. There is no need to use asadmin's deploy
subcommand in this case.... or there should not be.

> Status: 500
> Command deploy failed.
> asadmin>
> 'The status 500 would indicate that ?what? isn't running?

Hmm. I am not sure at this point.

> Am I dealing with two servers: An admin server and then a "domain"
> server that serves the Glassfish app? Or is it a single server
> listening on different ports?

A single server that listens on multiple ports. The admin port is
typically 4848 and the port for user apps is typically 8080.

> If so, when I type asadmin at the command line and then type
> start-domain domain1 does that start both an admin web instance AND
> the applications installed in the domain?

When you start a domain, you start the 'admin app' and any applications
that are installed in the domain.

> If I start asadmin without the host parameter I see this:
> es/admin-cli.jar --port 7848
> Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> asadmin>
> list-applications
> Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:7848].
> Is the server up?
> No such local command, list-applications. To run remote commands,
> start the a
> pplication server (e.g. 'asadmin start-domain').
> Command list-applications failed.
> asadmin>

The asadmin command tries to communicate with the a server's admin
services at localhost:4848 (or You may have configured
the domain.xml to not listen on localhost, when you set the port to 7848.

That is the danger of editing domain.xml directly... which is why we
discourage folks from doing that.

You may want to use kill to stop your domain, delete domain1 and then
recreate it using the create-domain command.


> Netstat shows that the server is listening on port 7848 on IP address
> I am just trying to sort out where the problem is. The domain1
> instance seems to be starting so at least the asaadmin command shell
> starts it but at that point, I don't know what is running on what port
> on what host....
> Pete Helgren
> Value Added Software, Inc
> On 10/27/2010 6:06 PM, vince kraemer wrote:
>> You have changed the port in the right place for the server...
>> But asadmin does not know that you changed the port. It thinks you
>> want to talk to a server on 4848.
>> To tell the asadmin command that it should talk to a server on a
>> particular port, try using asadmin --port 7848...
>> HTH,
>> vbk
>> Pete Helgren wrote:
>>> I changed the address and port in the domain.xml and then started
>>> glassfish admin console. Here is what I see:
>>> start-domain domain1
>>> Waiting for DAS to start ................
>>> Started domain: domain1
>>> Domain location: /glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1
>>> Log file: /glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log
>>> Admin port for the domain: 7848
>>> Command start-domain executed successfully.
>>> asadmin>
>>> I then wanted to deploy an application that refused to autodeploy so
>>> I used this command:
>>> deploy domains/domain1/autodeploy/asaap3.war
>>> Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:4848].
>>> Is the server up?
>>> Unable to get remote commands.
>>> Closest matching local command(s):
>>> help
>>> Command deploy failed.
>>> asadmin>
>>> The server should be listening on port 7878 NOT
>>> localhost port 4848. Do I misuderstand the concept of "server" here
>>> or is there some other place I need to change the port and address?
>>> Attempting to stop the domain I see this:
>>> stop-domain domain1
>>> CLI306 Warning - server is not running.
>>> Command stop-domain executed successfully.
>>> asadmin>
>>> So I am thinking I missed changing a setting somewhere.
>>> Thanks ...
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