Re: Which port is asaadm really listening on?

From: Pete Helgren <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 19:14:03 -0600

Thanks Vince. I am not quite there yet. And there is more to this than
just this issue. I have autodeployed two applications but now I can't
autodeploy. There is an issue with the web admin console (which I will
post shortly) but I'd like to just deploy the new app at this point.

The domain has two applications currently deployed and running. I can
hit both of the URL's. However the command line admin instance returns
the following:

es/admin-cli.jar --port 7848 --host <--- note the host entry
as well
Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
Status: 500
Command list-applications failed.
deploy domains/domain1/autodeploy/asaap3.war
Status: 500
Command deploy failed.

'The status 500 would indicate that ?what? isn't running? Am I dealing
with two servers: An admin server and then a "domain" server that serves
the Glassfish app? Or is it a single server listening on different
ports? If so, when I type asadmin at the command line and then type
start-domain domain1 does that start both an admin web instance AND the
applications installed in the domain?

If I start asadmin without the host parameter I see this:

es/admin-cli.jar --port 7848
Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:7848].
Is the server up?
No such local command, list-applications. To run remote commands, start
the a
pplication server (e.g. 'asadmin start-domain').
Command list-applications failed.

Netstat shows that the server is listening on port 7848 on IP address

I am just trying to sort out where the problem is. The domain1 instance
seems to be starting so at least the asaadmin command shell starts it
but at that point, I don't know what is running on what port on what

Pete Helgren
Value Added Software, Inc

On 10/27/2010 6:06 PM, vince kraemer wrote:
> You have changed the port in the right place for the server...
> But asadmin does not know that you changed the port. It thinks you
> want to talk to a server on 4848.
> To tell the asadmin command that it should talk to a server on a
> particular port, try using asadmin --port 7848...
> HTH,
> vbk
> Pete Helgren wrote:
>> I changed the address and port in the domain.xml and then started
>> glassfish admin console. Here is what I see:
>> start-domain domain1
>> Waiting for DAS to start ................
>> Started domain: domain1
>> Domain location: /glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1
>> Log file: /glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log
>> Admin port for the domain: 7848
>> Command start-domain executed successfully.
>> asadmin>
>> I then wanted to deploy an application that refused to autodeploy so
>> I used this command:
>> deploy domains/domain1/autodeploy/asaap3.war
>> Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:4848].
>> Is the server up?
>> Unable to get remote commands.
>> Closest matching local command(s):
>> help
>> Command deploy failed.
>> asadmin>
>> The server should be listening on port 7878 NOT localhost
>> port 4848. Do I misuderstand the concept of "server" here or is
>> there some other place I need to change the port and address?
>> Attempting to stop the domain I see this:
>> stop-domain domain1
>> CLI306 Warning - server is not running.
>> Command stop-domain executed successfully.
>> asadmin>
>> So I am thinking I missed changing a setting somewhere.
>> Thanks ...
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