Re: Hibernate 3.6.0

From: Ronak Patel <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 09:52:55 -0700 (PDT)


Yes that's an add-on you install via the Update Center. The reason I put
Hibernate into the shared classloader is specifically because I have multiple
war files all using Hibernate and don't want Hibernate to be loaded into memory
more than once. I'm not sure if the OSGI model of Glassfish prevents that even
if you put Hibernate into the Web Application Classloaders.

That being said; using the Update Center approach has been pretty reliable for
me...since Sun/Oracle already did the hard work in making sure everything plays

I will have to try installing Hibernate 3.6.0 on my own into there and see what
happens I other way around it...


From: "" <>
Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 3:09:57 AM
Subject: Re: Hibernate 3.6.0

Hi Ronak,

I don't know about the "Hibernate JPA Provider" you mentioned - is that an
add-on you installed via the Update Center?

Anyway, I used to work with several 3.5.x versions of Hibernate on Glassfish,
and I simply let Maven include Hibernate and all dependent libraries in my WAR

Using Hibernate on Glassfish 3.0.1, you may run into the following problems:

1) Your app may cause memory leaks on redeployment due conflicting usage of the
javasisst bytecode provider used both by Weld (CDI) and Hibernate. See

Using cglib as bytecode provider for Hibernate by adding the following line to
your domain.xml may solve the problem:


2) Using some of the newest JPA 2.0 features, I ran into a number of bugs and
omissions in Hibernate 3.5.x. These issues are still marked as unresolved in
Hibernate JIRA.

Eclipselink also has problems in this area, and OpenJPA 2.0.1 is currently the
only JPA provider that works for me smoothly.

Of course, you may be perfectly happy with Hibernate or Eclipselink if you don't
use any of these features.

Best regards,
[Message sent by forum member 'hwellmann']

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