remote JNDI lookup fails from web started client

From: <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 10:58:58 PDT

Ok - so I have followed the glassfish EJB FAQ ( to try and access a remote glassfish server from my web started client, and I can't get it to work at all. I then figured I would try and access the glassfish server on my local machine from the same web started client - still didn't work.

For what it's worth, I can get the DI working by annotating my remote session variable in the client!

The error I get is "Unable to get remote bean" from the com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.Serialcontext.lookup, with the root exception being "ejb ref resolution error for remote business interface - NullPointerException".

I am using the java portable naming standard, and I have ensured that the name matches that which appears in the server.log file

The issue I believe is that I can't get the gf-client.jar available to my web started client.

I then thought that maybe the web started client (running with the ACC) would be treated like a server to server remote access, so I followed the FAQ that specified making a lookup using "corbaname:iiop:localhost:3700#<jndi name>" - but that failed to.

I have verified that I can telnet to the orb port, and I have created a second orb listener, on a different port and verified that I can telnet to that - but I still can't get the remote bean from that.

Also, digging around the forums, there are various ways of configuring the InitialContext (rather than using the default constructor)- I tried several of these, but with no luck.

Does anyone have any idea?

[Message sent by forum member 'mgfarme']