Concurrent startup of applications on glassfish startup

From: <>
Date: Sat, 02 Oct 2010 15:36:19 PDT


I have 8 apps running in Sun Glassfish defined in domain.xml

At the moment, I think they starting with the order in domain.xml definitions. Proof is less smaller startup time applications is ending at last.

Startup time of applications are: (ms)

app1: 8232
app2: 93872
app3: 3998
app4: 84416
app5: 42976
app6: 8957
app7: 91305
app8: 1063

Those are taken from the order logged in server.log.

Sun glassfish 3.1
jdk is 6u21

My question is, How can I start the applications concurrently?
[Message sent by forum member 'seaquest79']