Re: glassfish admin console

From: <>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 08:30:42 PDT

Hi lhareigh890,

We need a littler more info before we can analysis what is causing the issues you are seeing. Can you provide the following:
- which build you are using ?
- JDK version
- OS that your server is on
- platform and browser you try to access remotely
- glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log , please attach it here.

We always do the testing by accessing the console remotely, I haven't heard any known issue on this.

>> b. when I access http://IP:4848 on the server itself, no logins are asked. can I configure that?
Being able to bypass the login screen is by design for developer convenient. You can configure it to not allow anonymous login by:

1. Add a password to the admin user.
    a. go to Domain -> Change Admin Password,
    b. specify the password and Save.
    c. There should be a logout button. Once you logout, there will be password required for login. (however, due to issue# 13981, you won't see this logout button). You can quit the browser to end the session as a work around.

2. Add another admin user
    a. go to Configurations -> server-config -> Security -> Realms -> admin-realm
    b. Press the 'Manage User' button
    c. The table will show there is only one user, 'admin'.
    d. Click 'New' button, it will bring you to the next screen to create another user.
    c. Once you do that, there will be the Logout button for you to log out and log back in.

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