jaxws style web service client built in Netbeans 6.8 running in glassfish

From: <>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 14:28:50 PDT

Here are the questions:

1) Has anyone used Netbeans 6.8 to build a web service JAXWS style client stub via the web service wsdl (new -> web service client -> choose 'WSDL URL')?

2) If yes to 1). Have you used the client stub to comsume the web service (any of its operations) from an EJB or servlet in a web app deployed on Glassfish v3.0.1?

3) if the web service is not local on the same glassfish service, does it work?

4) If still yes, is the following the right way to use the client stub assume that the web service class is com.wstest.WSTest and the web service at http://anyserver:8080/SOAPWSEE6/WSTestService?wsdl

URL baseUrl = WSTestService.class.getResource(".");
WSTestService service = new WSTestService(new URL(baseUrl, "http://anyserver:8080/SOAPWSEE6/WSTestService?wsdl"), new QName("", "WSTestService"));
port = service.getWSTestPort();

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