Re: ISA SERVER conflict with Glassfish v3

From: Xavier Callejas <>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 15:00:01 -0600

On Mar 05 Oct 2010 14:45:45 escribió:
> Good afternoon, I need help with the configuration of ISA Server 2000 and
> that is giving conflict with Glassfish v3, error in ports. it disables the
> ISA Server and Glassfish working. thanks in advance

Solution: Uninstall that ugly microsoft software for ever.

Now, the solution you may want: you should change the ports in one of them.
Glassfish use the default port 8080 for HTTP, ISA too.

To change the default 8080 HTTP port in Glassfish graphically:

1. Turn off Glassfish (if is turned on or hanged, kill any Glassfish process

2. Turn off ISA

3. Turn on Glassfish (now it should be no conflict).

4. Go to the Glassfish Admin Console: point your web browser to:

5. In the left menu bar go to 'Network config.' --> Listeners --> 'http-

6. In the Property 'Port:' you shoule change it to other non used port.

7. Save.

8. Restart Glassfish.
