Re: WAR using extenal JARs

From: <>
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 09:15:25 PDT

Thanks Marco for the quick response.

I didn't understand fully your answer.

1. How do I instruct the netbeans to bundle all my jars in the project to a one OSGi bundle file?
2. Can the Glassfish "eat" OSGi bundle files?
3. After I deployed both my app.war file and both my OSGI bundle file to glassfish, how do I indicate to app.war to use the OSGi bundle?

Currently I have 2 bad options:
1. To add my JARs into the glassfish/lib directory
2. When deploying app.war to glassfish, indicating manually all the JAR files so app.war can use them


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