Anyone here with experience with NetBeans and Glassfish?
I have a strange problem: I have installed Glassfish 3 on a server called hag; this seems to work fine. I have put NetBeans 6.9.1 on a workstation and added a server entry for hag, and I can now build and deploy to hag.
I have then installed NetBeans from the same install file on another workstation, and added hag to the serverlist. I can''t deploy from that one - I get the following:
/u01/repo/root/staf/glassfish/docs/javaee-tutorial/examples/web/hello1/nbproject/build-impl.xml:683: Deployment error:
Starting of server hag is not supported. Please, start the server manually.
See the server log for details.
I realise that I must have set something up differently, but what? One difference is, when I start NetBeans on the workstation where it works, I get asked for username and password at the start, but not on the other one - so the problem may lie somewhere under that; I just don't know where to look.
[Message sent by forum member 'janpla']