Re: Advice on Glassfish v3 Custom Login Module with EJBs and class loading

From: <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 15:29:41 PDT

thanks for your interest...

I need to put the local EJB interface in GF /lib directory because my custom authorization module acts as a EJB client. This module performs a JNDI lookup to get the stateless session bean that checks for authorization. At least Glassfish needs to have the local interface in its classpath. If I don't include it, the app deploys OK but Glassfish JAAS won't find the EJB Interface class as classloaders for apps are isolated. If I include it, the application with the full EJBs will not deploy as its has a class conflict (the interface is duplicated as It is in the GFish classpath and in the webapp lib dir)

Glasfish -> JAAS -> EJB Client Auth Module ---Local JNDI---> EJB application

The point is to know if I can put the local interface needed for the JAAS module JNDI lookup somewhere so I is visible to the JAAS Auth system in glassfish but not to the application deployer.

Hope I managed to explain the problem. Meanwhile I am using JDBC auth module but I had to make new EJBs adapted for the "simple" JDBC limitations.

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