Re: EJB look up problem between 2 ear's - Glassfish v3

From: <>
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 02:05:35 PDT

Thanks for your reply.

I have tried to make the local interface to remote by using the @Remote on SLSB1 ( as mentioned in my option 1)
& have used the below attributes on @EJB annotations:

I have tried
- beanInterface
- mappedName

But no luck.

I am just wondering if nobody hasn't faced this prob with glassfish v3?
I have tried almost all possible options that are given in forums/docs. So can anyone who has dealt with this scenario
please help me?

Also I am using EJB 3.0 & not 3.1. I am sure this shouldn't casue this in glassfish v3 right?

OR does the "java:global/" is specific to to only EJB 3.1? from whatever I have read from glassfish docs, it is not.
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