I am writing a @FacesComponent annotated backing to a composite component and this works very well. However I need to get to my JPA controllers (most people call these DAOs) and found out that the @Inject annotation doesn't work!
With a little searching I came across this web page:
From this I understand that since the UIComponent is created by the JSF lifecycle, the CDI implementation never sees it so the @Inject annotations are never processed. Can this be correct? Is this a Glassfish problem or a JSF problem?
The workaround works, but it is horrific (the core code from the blog is pasted below). I can't believe this is not a very common roadblock to implementation in JSF and there has to be some better way.
[code]public BeanManager getBeanManager()
return (BeanManager)
((ServletContext) facesContext.getExternalContext().getContext())
public AvailableCountryDao getFacade()
BeanManager bm = getBeanManager();
Bean<AvailableCountryDao> bean = (Bean<AvailableCountryDao>) bm.getBeans(AvailableCountryDao.class).iterator().next();
CreationalContext<AvailableCountryDao> ctx = bm.createCreationalContext(bean);
AvailableCountryDao dao = (AvailableCountryDao) bm.getReference(bean, AvailableCountryDao.class, ctx); // this could be inlined, but intentionally left this way
return dao;
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