Glassfish ESB v2.2 cluster + loadbalancer on httpd 2.2 - HTTPS routing trbl

From: <>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 06:14:01 PDT


Please help me to find why https routing doesn't working.

I have DAS (bus-manager) and two nodes on separated machines, nodes called gfnode1 and gfnode2. All working under Ubuntu 10.04
I installed on DAS machine apache httpd 2.2.14 and install there loadbalancer (aslb build 17).
My current config loadbalancer.xml is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE loadbalancer PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD Sun Java System Application Server 9.1//EN" "sun-loadbalancer_1_2.dtd">
<cluster name="way4jbi-cluster" policy="round-robin">
    <instance disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="true" listeners="http://gfnode2:39080 https://gfnode2:39181" name="gf2instance" weight="100"/>
    <instance disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="true" listeners="http://gfnode1:39080 https://gfnode1:39181" name="gf1instance" weight="100"/>
    <web-module context-root="ClusterSecureReadWriteCAService1" disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="true"/>
    <health-checker interval-in-seconds="30" timeout-in-seconds="10" url="/"/>
<property name="response-timeout-in-seconds" value="60"/>
<property name="reload-poll-interval-in-seconds" value="60"/>
<property name="https-routing" value="true"/>
<property name="require-monitor-data" value="false"/>
<property name="last-exported" value=""/>
<property name="active-healthcheck-enabled" value="false"/>
<property name="number-healthcheck-retries" value="3"/>
<property name="rewrite-location" value="true"/>
<property name="rewrite-cookies" value="false"/>

HTTP-routing works fine, but HTTPS doesn't working, here error log of apache httpd

[Tue Sep 21 16:19:06 2010] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(959): lb.runtime: LBRT1006: Daemon Monitor : http://gfnode2:39080 : check daemon
[Tue Sep 21 16:19:10 2010] [debug] HealthChecker.cpp(58): lb.healthchecker: HLCK1003: Sampled the health check parameters for the current cycle on cluster: way4jbi-cluster
[Tue Sep 21 16:19:10 2010] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(684): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isUnHealthy
[Tue Sep 21 16:19:10 2010] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(684): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isUnHealthy
[Tue Sep 21 16:19:10 2010] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(684): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isUnHealthy
[Tue Sep 21 16:19:10 2010] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(684): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isUnHealthy
[Tue Sep 21 16:19:10 2010] [debug] HealthChecker.cpp(81): lb.healthchecker: HLCK1004: Obtained unHealthy daemons for cluster: way4jbi-cluster
[Tue Sep 21 16:19:10 2010] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(684): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isUnHealthy
[Tue Sep 21 16:19:10 2010] [warn] lb.healthchecker: HLCK3003: Listener: https://gfnode2:39181 is detected to be still unHealthy in cluster: way4jbi-cluster
[Tue Sep 21 16:19:10 2010] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(684): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isUnHealthy
[Tue Sep 21 16:19:10 2010] [warn] lb.healthchecker: HLCK3003: Listener: https://gfnode1:39181 is detected to be still unHealthy in cluster: way4jbi-cluster
[Tue Sep 21 16:19:11 2010] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(668): lb.runtime: LBRT1002: Executing Runtime method LBDaemon:isHealthy
[Tue Sep 21 16:19:11 2010] [debug] LBDaemon.cpp(959): lb.runtime: LBRT1006: Daemon Monitor : http://gfnode2:39080 : check daemon

This ports (39080 / 39181) - ports of HTTP binding component, but it's not worth paying attention. Cause I have same problem with SSL 38181 port of HTTP listener.
I try to solve this problem a few days and I can't find solution, why this doesn't working.
telnet gfnode1 39181
telnet gfnode2 39181
works, ports opened and directly to nodes from soap client I can work with this composite application.

Can anyone tell why this may happened?

p.s. HTTP BC doesn't require client certificate.
p.p.s. I need secured traffic between DAS and nodes

Thank you
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