GF 3.1 and JRuby container

From: Robert Weeks <>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 13:37:42 -0700

Hello all -

I was starting to work on converting our application into the latest milestone for 3.1, and I am not sure if I missed something - but it seems jruby support (even after installing the glassfish-scripting and jruby modules) is not working the same as before (from 3.0 and 3.0.1).

I am seeing issues when deploying apps (such as NoSuchMethodErrors on things like com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.StartupContext.getRootDirectory()Ljava/io/File;) and just need to determine how we are going to continue our path for using 3.1.

In looking at the roadmap and the wikis, I see the jruby plugin has been removed from the AdminConsole modules by default - but will there be updates to the module within the release timeframe to make sure glassfish is still a top vehicle for jruby/rails apps?

Thanks for any information.

Robert B. Weeks
Robert Weeks
Senior Software Developer
Office:  260-797-0200 x4228
General: 877-207-3753