I have a question about server.policy and its permissions.
We have deployed our EJB application in glassfish and after that we require to add a .class file that itself require a new permission to operate. When we add this new permission in granted.policy which is located in ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/generated/policy/our-application/module1 it works perfectly. But because our application has about 14 module, we do not want to copy the same granted.polcy in each folder.
One another solution as mentioned in
http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-4496/beabx?l=en&a=view is to change ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/server.policy file to have that permission. It's also allowable to use wildcard character (-) to address a sepcial directory and all its files and subdirectories in security.policy.
After doing that, it's expected to work after restarting our domain.
But, I've tried every path with its wildcard characters, but it didn't work.
Although it looks very simple method, I still have no idea either any other action is required or any security problem in reading security.policy file? (I set permission as 777)
Please give any idea you think can be helpful,
Thanks in advance,
Nasser Fard
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