Re: [Glassfish embedded] Problem with JPA2 entities in jar in a war

From: <>
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2010 04:05:29 PDT

I don't have time to dig through the forum messages right now, but embedded testing in Glassfish has always been problematic. Go ahead and do a search on my username (ljnelson) and embedded Glassfish and you'll dig up some old posts on the subject. I filed a bug at one point which I [i]believe[/i] was fixed about how everything needed to be in one classpath directory.

Finally, apparently the fact that it's even possible to run the embedded container standalone without a full-fledged Glassfish installation behind it--why else would I want to run such a thing? oh well--was apparently unsupported. I don't know if that ever changed or not. I seem to recall a lot of manual tweaking of the domain.xml file early on as well.

One of the reasons I am so excited about the rise of Arquillian ( is that it will force this embedded container to get better.

[Message sent by forum member 'ljnelson']