Jackrabbit and connection pool

From: <>
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2010 08:49:04 PDT

I have defined jackrabbit on glassfish v3 as a connector connection pool in order to use it from my web application. Everything works without any problems, however when the server is idle I see messages of the sort:

[#|2010-09-03T11:55:40.633+0300|INFO|glassfish3.0.1||_ThreadID=29;_ThreadName=Thread-4;|Created session (org.apache.jackrabbit.core.XASessionImpl_at_39eb417c)|#]

in the server log, which mean that new jackrabbit sessions are created. It seems to me by this message that the creation of the new jackrabbit sessions is irrelevant to my application and has something to do with the connection pool but I would like to know exactly what is going on and why.
My search on the Internet so far has not provided me with anything useful. Can someone give me more information on this behavior or point me to some documentation which may explain it?
[Message sent by forum member 'chrisie']