Re: How to PHP enable your Glassfish Application Server

From: Dominik Dorn <>
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2010 23:25:15 +0200

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 10:43 PM, <> wrote:
> I just wanted to add that if you install Quercus (currently 4.0.8) in the default-web.xml file, the admin interface will no longer work on GlassFish 2.1.1.
> There is an error listed below which indicates that FacesServlet is unavailable so the admin
> interface will not work, nor will any JSF pages work in additional projects deployed to the server.
> PWC1412: WebModule[] ServletContext.log():PWC1409: Marking servlet FacesServlet as unavailable
What additional error messages do you get?

you might want to try 4.0.9, its just not linked (simply modify the
download url)

> This may be a result of what Dominick Dorn notes about Caucho re-inventing the wheel with EE technologies.
Mhm.. well, I'm now a bit more into the whole thing.
In fact, Caucho, like JBoss, Sun/Oracle and others are just
implementing "their version" of the JavaEE spec.

Have you logged this issue in cauchos bugtracker?

Dominik Dorn
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