Hi there.. I have just finished a project jsf/Woodstock/Hibernate on Netbeans and I'm now trying to deploy it on my provider server.
The good thing with glassfish included to Netbeans is that lots of operation or bunddle with the IDE.. just press run and you see your application in your favorite browser..
But now I'm face to a big problem.. How make it work on the remote server..
I'm looking to make it simple.. is it possible to copy the files project in the docroot directory of glassfish and set one of the xml file to make the web site work as easy as with php for example.
I tried to build the project in a war file and copy the file in the autodeploy directory but I get a NoclassDefFound error when accessing SessionBean..
I also try to copy the all glassfish directory on my provider server but glassfisfh didn't want to start anymore..
I'm kind of lost now... I'm surely do some newbie error but I need mastering advise..
I'm on the phase "project working on local only" ;-)
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