Hello, again, Pablo.
1. About the custom JNLP...
This one is a bug which I have just fixed in the code base. It should be available in the next nightly and promoted builds.
Until then, you could (if you wanted) use the element name <jnlp-document> instead of <jnlp-doc> and it should work.
My apologies for the confusion between the code and the write-up.
2. About what should and should not be on the class path (and, therefore, what NetBeans should be doing...)
The Java EE spec is very specific about what JARs should and should not be on the class path for various types of modules. The spec does not say that all modules in an EAR should see each other. The specifics vary a little from one module type to the next, but basically the spec says that a module should see all JARs in the EAR's /lib directory (if any) (or whatever directory you specify in the <library-directory> optional element in the application.xml descriptor). Of course, all the JARs specified in a module's Class-Path are also to be visible.
(What further confuses this is that in releases of GlassFish prior to 3.0 all EJB modules *were* made visible to app clients. This conflicted directly with the Java EE 6 spec so we stopped doing that in GlassFish 3.0.)
I hope this helps.
- Tim
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