glassfish + blocked httpSSLWorkerThread

From: <>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 03:00:57 PDT

hello all,

i am running glassfish 2.1.1 on Solaris (snv_130, x64, JDK 1.6.0_21) with only one domain configured and one web application deployed (opengrok 0.8). there is one http listener configured and a fronting apache with "vhost" and the appropriate ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse directives.

my problem is that the application works only for about ~5 hours and then stalls. i used visualvm to monitor the glassfish instance - it seems that all available "request processing threads" get blocked and no http connections are allowed. the glassfish domain itself still works but the application is dead.

the domain's memory parameters all look good (heap, premgen) and there are no out of memory errors - in fact there are no errors at all in the logs (server.log, jvm.log).

i found similar issues while searching the net and tried increased the "Maximum number of request processing threads" (up to 64) and the "initial processing
threads" (to 24).

with the new settings the application works for about one day and a half and then stalls again.

here is a screenshot from visualvm showing the request processing threads getting "blocked" one by one: threaddump of one of the "busy" request processing threads looks like this:

any help will be appreciated.


Stoyan Angelov
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