Re: Inconsistent behaviour between JSF2 and CDI injection in _at_FacesConverter . Possible Glassfish bug?

From: Craig Ringer <>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 13:40:29 +0800

On 20/08/2010 7:42 PM, Dominik Dorn wrote:
> I'm looking up the dao through the a BeanManager in the converter.
> My solution is quite complex, but you should be able to extract the
> things you need.

Thanks very much for taking the time to follow up with an example of how
you've tackled this; it's appreciated.

I found the more detailed post on your weblog here:

which I'm mentionining in this thread to make sure that others who find
this with Google later can find it. I'd like to thank you for taking the
time to write that up.

I've lost several days struggling with CDI issues that make me wish I'd
waited for it to mature and stuck to plain 'ol JSF2 ... but at least now
I think I can get back to writing real code. Hopefully this'll be the
last CDI roadblock I'll hit for a while...

Craig Ringer