jndi lookup of jax-rpc web svc endpoint fails on gfv301, works on gfv211

From: emiddio-verizon <>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 12:48:45 -0700

create simple jax-rpc web svc, deploy to gfv211 and gfv301; compiled separately for each with netbeans 6.9.1

simple java app web svc client works for both glassfishes

servlet web svc client works for both glassfishes
servlet calls web svc via jndi lookup

java EE appclient web svc client works on gfv211, fails on gfv301;
appclient calls web svc also via jndi lookup;

both servlet/appclient use code liike following:
javax.naming.InitialContext ic = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
newWebService1 = (com.geb.NewWebService1) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/service/NewWebService1");

appclient gets lookup failure;

gfv211 and gfv301 sun-acc.xml not identical -- but look valid to me -- one uses localhost, vs actual host name.

both servlet/web.xml, and appclient/application-clilent.xml have the following element:


i experimented with other types of web services -- jax-ws, ee6 -- but those seem to not make any use
of jndi lookups and therefore do not have any jndi lookup problems.

whats different about jndi with EE6 ?

