Re: [Jersey] Comment regarding http-thread-pool Idle Thread Timeout setting

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2010 11:25:23 +0200

Hi Noah,

Also the CC as you may get more responses
on that list.


On Aug 2, 2010, at 11:32 PM, NBW wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I have a question about the behavior I am seeing with the http-
> thread-pool Idle Thread Timeout value. I have a Jersey resource
> endpoint with receives a call. The resource class looks something
> like this:
> @Path("/myResource")
> @RequestScoped
> public class MyResource {
> @EJB
> MyEJB myEJB;
> @Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
> @Produces("text/plain")
> public String doSomethingLongRunning(@FormParam("name") final
> String name) throws DoSomethingLongRunningExeception {
> does some long running task
> return "ok";
> }
> }
> So that's the gist of what if going on. Now what I am seeing is that
> if the long running task takes longer then the value of http-thread-
> pool Idle Thread Timeout, the thread running this task (an http-
> thread-pool thread) will receive an InterruptedException.
> If this is the intended behavior then calling this value "Idle
> Thread Timeout" is a bit misleading because the thread being
> interrupted need not be "idle" for this to happen it just needs to
> be RUNNING for longer then this timeout value.
> -Noah