Glassfish 3.0.1 Comet 100% CPU issue

From: <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 16:36:55 PDT

[b]Question 1[/b]
I have no doubt that the issue is related to my poor understanding of Comet and the way that I'm using it. Hopefully someone can spot the defect.

 - Glassfish 3.0.1 OSS (with all up to date patches, etc..) running locally on my windows development box
 - Clients are HTTPClient 4.0 based applications connecting over HTTP

After a timeout or a client close (not really sure at which time it breaks), the comet processor (or Grizzly's implementation of it) seems to spin out of control continually running through:

[code]CometEngine.interrupt(CometTask, boolean) line: 395
CometTask.checkIfClientClosedConnection(SelectionKey) line: 197
CometTask.handleSelectedKey(SelectionKey) line: 178
SelectorHandlerRunner.handleSelectedKey(SelectionKey, SelectorHandler, NIOContext) line: 274
SelectorHandlerRunner.handleSelectedKeys(Set<SelectionKey>, SelectorHandler, NIOContext) line: 258
SelectorHandlerRunner.doSelect(SelectorHandler, NIOContext) line: 195 line: 130
ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Runnable) line: 886
ThreadPoolExecutor$ line: 908
WorkerThreadImpl(Thread).run() line: 619 [/code]

The following line seems to returns false when it spins forever:
   [code]if (task != null && task.getCometContext().handlers().remove(task.cometHandler) != null)[/code]

There are no handlers within the comet context (I remove the handler from the context on either interrupt or terminate more or less the way the grizzly example was from

[b]Question 2[/b]
As a side note, there was one more strange behavior I had to work around when initially developing my comet. When the notify is triggered, it happens on the system's created comet threads which I suppose are on different class loaders from my application's code context sitting in an EAR->WAR. When processing the notification, I have to set the thread's classloader to my context and then back again like follows:

[code]ClassLoader oldCl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

        ... DO MY WORK HERE...

I don't have a problem with it, but I was wondering if this was all strictly necessary, or if there was a more elegant solution to this workaround.
[Message sent by forum member 'dchemko']